Monday, March 1, 2010

The First Time...

Below is an account of the first time King Henry noticed Kathryn Howard :)

I have a secret.

But first a little about my new home The Court.

The court is incredible. I’ve never seen so many beautiful people in one place before. I mean there were pretty girls at the Duchess’s house but not like this. There are more jewels here and more pretty fabrics. Lace and velvet and silk and everything brocaded or covered in gold or specked with pearls. I have no idea why I didn’t come here sooner!!!!

I like the queen well enough. She is really very friendly and made me feel very welcome. She also is a very smart woman which I think is a good thing for a queen to be. I do not know if I would make a very good queen since I am not very smart. That is at least what all the girls at Lambeth said :/

And now my secret. I am almost bursting with this secret that might not be a secret anymore because people at court gossip and gossip and gossip and never shut up their mouths.

Last night the King dined with the Queen. I felt awkward at first. My dress was well-made to fit me and my hair was combed until it shined. But I was so nervous!! All these ladies have been at court much longer than I have and even before they were ladies to the queen most of their families spent a lot of time at court so they are used to all these little formal things. I did not quite know what to do while the king and queen ate with each other. They were not speaking a great deal and the king would not look at her nearly at all. He would not look at anything other than his dinner plate. And I am standing there feeling so out of place worrying that my accent might be different or I might laugh at a joke that I am not supposed to… And my hands!! All of the sudden I didn’t know what to do with my hands!!!!!! I mean like really! Behind my back at my sides in front of me? Where should they go??

So there I am not knowing what to do with my hands and I am standing and watching two complete strangers eat dinner when all of the sudden the queen says something very mundane like “How was the council today, my lord?” Or something boring like that. And the king was thinking about something else I guess because he started a little bit when the queen spoke. And then he saw me. He looked directly at me. And I think but I could be making things up that he started again just a little bit. And then he smiled!! At me!!!! Then he looked back at the queen and answered her. But later when they toasted to something I do not remember what he looked at me again right before he drank his wine!!!

I mean really like my first day at court and already the king has smiled upon me. Little stupid Kathryn from Lambeth! Maybe he will give my father some money. Father needs money very badly. Maybe if the king really does like little stupid Kathryn from Lambeth he’ll help her family. And maybe he'll also give me some new jewelry or dresses to wear.  I'll need some fine new things now that I'm a lady in the Queen's court!!  Would it not be marvelous?

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