Monday, February 22, 2010

anne boleyn: beloved and beheaded

Ok you guys. CLEARLY there was a bit of "Drama" surrounding Annie B. But was she not the most faaaaaacinating queen? She got ole Kathy A off the throne and slipped right in.
She totz would of had healthy babies if not for Henry's syphilis. 

Check it:

  • She convinced Henry that the Bible should be translated into English and made available to common people instead of just the clergy.

  • No religious heretics were burned at the stake during the period of time that Anne was queen. However, Henry VIII had heretics burnt both before and after her tenure. We can only speculate on how many lives Anne saved.

  • Anne distributed a fortune in charity among the English people.
     She also sewed clothing with her own hands for distribution to the poor, and was known on at least one occasion to have personally tended to the ill on her travels. Few of her biographies mention her charitable acts at any length, and these were also not much publicized during her own lifetime.

    Not a witch, but a saint. A hot sexy alluring saint...who thinks all the other queens are BORING. Except maybe for Kathy H. "Get it guuuuuuur!"

          Henry and I on a date! 

                                                   Just look at me!(her!)

    1 comment:

    1. Oh, Please! Those "charitable works" aren't quite enough to redeem you, our floozy friend.
      Besides, my needlework is better.
      -Jane the Queen
