Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Over-inflated Codpiece

My friends Don and Eric recently returned from a fabulous trip to London, where they visited the Tower of London and snapped this photo of King Henry VIII's armor.

Check out that huge peck! Could you imagine that coming toward you in battle?

Would you: 
a) Run in fear?
b) Run in shame of your own pathetic and unimpressive manhood?
c) Worry about getting your eye poked out?
d) Vow to get one of your own, the next time you were at the blacksmith's?
e) Simply fall over, dying of laughter? 

And wouldn't this make it slightly difficult to ride horse? I can only imagine the sorts of unnatural chaffing that would go on. No pain, no gain, eh?  Poor, poor, King Henry! HAHAHA!

Playing Catharine Parr, the last queen who was married to him while he was...ehem!..."unable", I find his overinflated cod-piece unbearably funny!

1 comment:

  1. Many a poor souls died by his immense sword.
